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The Helsing Group is a recognized leader in Homeowner Association management and operations. We offer the HOA Advisor as a resource for Board Members, Homeowners and other industry professionals on a variety of Common Interest Development matters.
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Policy Governance – Part II
Governance Roles and Responsibilities By: Helsing Admin [NOTE: This article is Part II in a series where each article builds on the previous articles. We

Policy Governance – Part 1
A Paradigm for HOA Governance: Strategies to Make Your Association More Functional By: Helsing Admin “Effective governance by a Board of Trustees is a relatively rare

HOA Assessment Fees: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish
How the Quest to Reduce HOA Assessment Fees can Harm Rather than Help By: Helsing Admin California Civil Code Section 1366 requires Boards to “…levy

HOA Swimming Pool Rules: New Swimming Pool Signage Requirements
By: Helsing Admin Among the almost 900 new laws the California legislature brought us last year, changes were made to the California Code of Regulations,

HOA Responsibilities to Homeowners: Noise
By: Helsing Admin Question: I live in a condominium and the neighbor above is very noisy. He clomps around, I can hear his television, and

HOA Common Area Rules and Satellite Dishes
By: Helsing Admin A homeowner writes: I live in a condominium and want to get satellite television reception. My Association is telling me that according

HOA Membership Rights They Only Belong to Owners
They only belong to owners By: Helsing Admin There is a unique aspect to owning a home in a homeowners association – and that is

Highlights of New Laws Affecting Common Interest Subdivisions
HIGHLIGHTS OF NEW LAWS AFFECTING COMMON INTEREST SUBDIVISIONS By: Helsing Admin Although the quantity of new laws relating to common interest developments that the California

HOA Regulations: Kids Playing in the Street
By: Helsing Admin Question: Can you write about more simple and realistic topics like small kids playing in the street and sidewalk around homes that