Foreclosing Lenders and Government Practices Penalize Innocent Homeowners

Foreclosing Lenders and Government Practices Penalize Innocent Homeowners By: Roy Helsing A reader writes: “I was at an HOA meeting recently and there was a discussion of possibly raising HOA dues in order to make up for the dues that are not being paid by properties that are in foreclosure. It is my understanding that […]
Due Dates and Late Dates…

…and other knowledge on how your assessment check i processed By: Roy Helsing Every month managing agents and Boards of Directors hear from homeowners complaining that their assessment payment could not possibly have been received after the 15th. The excuses range from “I checked with the postal service and they assured me mailing time is […]
Delinquency Policies

Homeowner Association Dues Delinquency Policies: Keep Them Tight By: Roy Helsing All associations are required to have a homeowner association dues delinquency policy – a procedure to undergo should a homeowner fail to pay homeowner association dues on time. It is a requirement of the California Civil Code (Section 1365(d)) to have such a policy […]
Duties of HOA Board Members: Delegate!

Increase Efficiency and Reduce Cost By: Roy Helsing Each year, the California Legislature makes it more and more difficult for homeowner association Boards of Directors to operate the association in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Beginning in 2012, a new law prohibited Boards from communicating by e-mail and required them to give at least 2 […]
HOA Pet Rules: Dealing With the Pet Mess

By: Roy Helsing From a reader: I would like to see an article focusing on HOA pet rules. There are rules that govern the limitations of pets, insurance, etc. but I would like to emphasize on cleanliness as a responsibility to the community. -What are the rules? Are there penalties? What can someone like me […]
Borrowing From HOA Reserves

What to do when you can’t avoid it! By: Roy Helsing Most Boards of Directors understand that HOA reserves are “reserved” for the maintenance, restoration, repair, and replacement of the common area components. Reserve funds can also be used to pay for legal fees related to construction defect litigation. Using them for any other reason […]
HOA Election Rules: Boards Influencing Elections

…or, resist the urge to control your Inspector of the Elections By: Roy Helsing I have often been vocal about the current HOA election rules for associations in California. It is a complicated, double-envelope procedure that is costly, slow, confusing, and cumbersome. That said, it was brought into law by complaints to the legislature about […]
HOA Dog Barking Nuisance

…and other things that are better handled by law enforcement By: Roy Helsing Tom G. provided an interesting topic: “Hypothetical situation: A neighbor in the HOA has very loud barking dog(s) and will not train or control them. The CCRs clearly spell out that the dog is a nuisance. The dog(s) is / are outside […]
ADA Compliance for HOA Pools

By: Roy Helsing Now that the warm weather and summer are quickly approaching, our association clients are asking whether they need to install pool lifts within their swimming pools to ensure ADA compliance for HOA pools. The short answer is that your association does not have to worry about the pool lift requirement if its […]